So how to you work out if you’re on the right path to making money online or another road to ruin? One of the easiest ways to tell is by asking yourself if this method even makes sense to you and/or other people? It’s not an easy question to ask, especially if you have already invested a lot of time and money into this system. Some people don’t know when to quit and others can’t get started.
One thing I do feel has been key to my success and made it possible for me to consistently earn good money online is perseverance. I once heard the phrase
“Brute force beats perfect understanding every time”
And it more or less describes my entire internet philosophy when it comes to building websites and making a living as its been as much the failures as the successes that have helped me to learn this whole industry. What it means is that you get to a point where you just have to dive in and see what happens when you test things. Google is one big puzzle and the only way to find out how it really works is to build something. So many people want the perfect formula before they start so they have no possibility of failure but starting with that attitude more or less guarantees one result (and it’s not a good one).
One thing you also bear in mind that despite what you may think internet businesses do not have overnight success any more than any other business. While yes you can get massive amounts of traffic and hype to your website overnight, this will never or very rarely convert into instant money. Remember traffic and visitors do not always = money, just look at YouTube and Twitter, millions of visitors every day and they still can’t make a profit. Remember quality beats quantity every time, don’t chase a market/visitors that you can never turn into hard ££££.
One mistake that I see people making all the time when trying to earn money is to start a website about something they love without researching the market properly to see if the money is actually there. Yes you may have a passion for purple slippers with glitter but how many other people do? How many of them are searching for this every day on Google? How many of these people can you convert into sales and £££?
Ok so far you may be thinking this post is all negativity about the pitfalls about a career on the internet and there are so many mistakes you can make when you start but the truth is that many of them can be overcome with hard work and perseverance. This also brings me to another very important point about online marketing and that is that you really have to have an interest in it at some level to really achieve success. I was actually explaining to a friend of mine who also wants to get into this business that you really have to have an interest in it if you’re going to have any kind of success. He said:
“Im interested in making money, does that count?”
The thing is I told him, you won’t always be making money so how will you stay motivated at these times (especially the start). You see I don’t think you have to be a genius to earn money but like most things I think hard work (and a little bit of luck) are what really makes the difference. So until next time….
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